Termékek csomagküldési szolgáltatások (22042)

Bruschetta doboz

Bruschetta doboz

Boîte bruschetta en carton micro cannelures Elle peut également servir de boîte à pizza ou pour vos différents entrées ou plats
Zárható Delikát Tál

Zárható Delikát Tál

Delicatessen Sealable Bowl
Aprított gyűrött papír gyártó - Természetes öko aprított gyűrött papír gyártó 2mm

Aprított gyűrött papír gyártó - Természetes öko aprított gyűrött papír gyártó 2mm

A line of fully ecological paper shavings-crinkle shreeded paper in various widths, thicknesses and scent lines will meet your every need for product protection and presentation. Prefect eco paper shavings, which have primarily decorative function - they emphasize and exposing the product, but also secure the product in a box against damage and harmful effects of shocks. Currently we introduced new series of deluxe which are dust-free paper shavings with perfect elasticity and structure. Short springs which has a nice look allows for precise and quick confectioning. Adapting to the shape of the product and providing even better protection during products transport. They are perfect for the cosmetics, ceramics, hand made products, fashion, food and alcohol industries. We offer wide range of colours and width. This eco fillers can easily eliminate plastic packaging elements. Shredded paper allows to build up eco friendly face for all brands and reduce waste.
RoseCase ErgoLine - Műanyag tok

RoseCase ErgoLine - Műanyag tok

Plastic cases with top functionality and sales boosting design Modern design gives striking impact Ergonomic handle, optional with 'soft-touch' Concealed hinges, sturdy integrated feet
Alacsony sűrűségű táskák 350x500

Alacsony sűrűségű táskák 350x500

Sacs liasses basse densite 350x500 Référence:120050 État:Nouveau Colisage:2500 Couleur:Blanc Largeur:350 Longueur:500
IMPULZUSZÁRÓK ME FDA/FDV - Asztali változat vagy talppal, elektromos lábpedállal.

IMPULZUSZÁRÓK ME FDA/FDV - Asztali változat vagy talppal, elektromos lábpedállal.

Semiautomatic table top version or with pedestal sealing machine with electrical pedal and double sealing impulse bar, (resistance to heat for a few seconds), suitable for closing envelopes polyethylene, polypropylene, PVC, coupled in aluminum, etc. The closing of the sealing bars by pressing the electric pedal with solenoid allows the operator to have both hands free. The timers for adjusting the sealing and cooling ensure maximum reliability of each type of material. Simple to use, requires no preheating. The double sealing bar (above and below) and the sealing of 5 mm. allows the closing of envelopes with thick, laminated bags and bellows. Through a selector switch, you can choose whether to use one or two sealing bars. Maximum solderable thickness 0.25 mm. (0.50 mm. overall). It's also available the model ME 6010 FDA / FDV with 600 mm sealing bars and 10 mm welding. Example model:ME 305 FDA Seal length:mm. 300 Seal width:mm. 5 Thermosealing materials:PE-PP-AL/PE Max. seal thickness:mm. 0,25
KZV-111 - Automatikus függőleges raklapcsomagoló gép

KZV-111 - Automatikus függőleges raklapcsomagoló gép

• Unidad de sellado por ultrasonido SoniXs montada en la parte superior • Ajuste automático de altura de la placa de presión a la altura del paquete • Placa elevadora de accionamiento eléctrico con motor de freno de engranajes • Diseño de 2 columnas a partir de 2.200 mm de ancho de paso Diferentes modelos: [KZV-111] • Un cabezal de sellado SoniXs y una guía de fleje vertical • Lanza de fleje móvil para el flejado de mercancías paletizadas [KZS-111] Como KZV-111, con plataforma giratoria desplazable lateralmente [KOV-111] Como KZV-111, con canal de alimentación inferior adicional para el flejado de mercancías no paletizadas [KVV-111] Como KZV-111, arco inferior con lanza de flejado controlada automáticamente o canal de alimentación inferior [KZV-121 \ KZS-121 \ KOV-121 \ KVV-121] Como las variantes KZV-111, KZS-111, KOV-111 y KVV-111, pero con dos guías de bastidor y dos unidades de sellado SoniXs Tipo:totalmente automática Usos:de paletas Otras características:vertical
Luxus merev doboz - Luxus merev doboz Rhum Savanna

Luxus merev doboz - Luxus merev doboz Rhum Savanna

Produttore di scatole su misura Cartone grigio da 1,4 mm a 4 mm o legno/MDF da 2 mm a 5 mm Coperture in carta da 120g a 180g (carta patinata, carta fantasia, tela, carta soft touch, carta goffrata, similpelle...) Stampa da 1 a 8 colori Stampa a caldo e goffratura di testi e loghi Fornitura e montaggio di accessori (magneti, nastri, piastre metalliche, maniglie, ecc.) Imbottitura personalizzata Scatola di cartone rigido Scatole personalizzate Scatole per prodotti Scatole rigide Scatole rigide personalizzate Scatole rigide di lusso Scatole di cartone di lusso Produttore di scatole di cartone Imballaggio di lusso in cartone personalizzato Scatole di lusso Imballaggio di design Imballaggio personalizzato Azienda di imballaggio Azienda produttrice di imballaggi Produttore di scatole di cartone Imballaggi per cosmetici Imballaggio Francia Imballaggio di lusso Imballaggio di profumi Imballaggi personalizzati Scatole da imballaggio Produttore di scatole di lusso
Címkeadagoló Címkézőgép Etiprint Inline ECM-Bergauer

Címkeadagoló Címkézőgép Etiprint Inline ECM-Bergauer

Etiprint Inline: schnelles Etikettieren und hohe Druckqualität Mit dem Etiprint Inline von Collamat bekommen Sie das Beste von zwei Technologien in einem Gerät. Etikettieren mit bis zu 50m/min und hohe Druckqualität. Die Technologie erlaubt Ihnen, die optimale Leistung Ihres Druckers zu nutzen, ohne Produktionsleistung zu verlieren. Das System erlaubt nicht nur höhere Leistung als vergleichbare Druck-Spendesysteme, sondern auch sehr hohe Etikettiergenauigkeit. Etikettiergenauigkeit: ± 1 mm
Trigger palack PUNTO - Polietilén-tereftalát (PET) - PET/rPET, Menet 28/410, Űrtartalom 250 - 1000 ml

Trigger palack PUNTO - Polietilén-tereftalát (PET) - PET/rPET, Menet 28/410, Űrtartalom 250 - 1000 ml

Punto ist eine moderne, kantige Kunststoffflaschen-Serie aus PET (Polyethylenterephthalat). Die Trigger-Flasche (Sprüh-Flasche) aus Kunststoff (Plastik) ist mit Volumen 250 ml, 500 ml, 750 ml und 1000 ml erhältlich. Die Flaschen eignen sich hervorragend für chemische Produkte wie Reinigungsmittel. Für das einheitliche Flaschengewinde 28/410 können wir Einweg-Trigger-Sprayer (Sprüher) all plastics und professionelle Mehrweg-Trigger-Sprayer (Sprüher) anbieten. 250 ml:750 ml
Kerek Pohár Tömítő Peremmel Polisztirolból - Ø 95mm

Kerek Pohár Tömítő Peremmel Polisztirolból - Ø 95mm

Rundbecher Deckel Name:Deckel D2S Farbe:klar Stk./Kart.:1125 Kart./Pal.:16
Burger Doboz L - Burger Doboz

Burger Doboz L - Burger Doboz

ADT TURBOdesign Suite

ADT TURBOdesign Suite

Diese Technologie unterstützt den Entwickler, Turbomaschinenkomponenten schnell und genau zu erstellen - von Lüftern und Gebläsen bis hin zu Pumpen, Hydraulikturbinen, Kompressoren, u.v.m. Die ADT TURBOdesign Suite ist ein hocheffizientes Softwarewerkzeug für das Design von Turbomaschinen. Basierend auf der Technologie 3D-Inverse-Design werden Entwickler dabei unterstützt, alle Arten von Turbomaschinenkomponenten kosteneffizient und zeitsparend zu erstellen - von Lüftern und Gebläsen bis hin zu Pumpen, Hydraulikturbinen, Kompressoren und Hochgeschwindigkeitsturbinen.
Rozsdamentes acél Flowpack csomagoló SynchroPACK

Rozsdamentes acél Flowpack csomagoló SynchroPACK

La Envolvedora Flowpack en acero inoxidable SynchroPACK es una máquina avanzada diseñada para envolver productos de manera eficiente y precisa. Esta envolvedora es ideal para empresas que buscan mejorar la presentación de sus productos y garantizar un embalaje de alta calidad. Su diseño en acero inoxidable asegura durabilidad y resistencia a la corrosión, lo que la hace adecuada para una amplia gama de aplicaciones industriales. Además, su tecnología avanzada permite envolver productos de diferentes tamaños y formas, asegurando que cada producto esté perfectamente envuelto y listo para la venta. Con la Envolvedora Flowpack en acero inoxidable SynchroPACK, las empresas pueden mejorar significativamente la presentación de sus productos y optimizar sus procesos de embalaje. Esta máquina es especialmente útil para industrias que manejan grandes volúmenes de producción, ya que su diseño eficiente permite un embalaje rápido y preciso. Su operación intuitiva y su fácil mantenimiento reducen el tiempo de inactividad y aumentan la productividad, lo que la convierte en una solución confiable y eficiente para cualquier empresa que busque mejorar la calidad de sus productos.
Pasztörizált folyékony tojássárgája

Pasztörizált folyékony tojássárgája

La Yema de Huevo Líquida Pasteurizada es un ingrediente esencial para la restauración, pastelería y obradores que buscan un alto rendimiento en sus preparaciones. Con un alto extracto seco, esta yema líquida ofrece una consistencia y sabor excepcionales, ideales para la elaboración de salsas, cremas y postres. Su proceso de pasteurización garantiza la seguridad alimentaria, permitiendo a los chefs y panaderos trabajar con confianza y creatividad. Disponible en formatos que van desde botellas de medio litro hasta contenedores de 1,000 litros, la Yema de Huevo Líquida Pasteurizada se adapta a las necesidades de cualquier negocio, grande o pequeño. Este producto no solo optimiza el tiempo de preparación, sino que también asegura una calidad constante en cada uso. Al incorporar este ingrediente en sus recetas, los profesionales de la cocina pueden elevar el sabor y la textura de sus creaciones, asegurando la satisfacción de sus clientes.
Félkör alakú échalote

Félkör alakú échalote

L’échalote semi-ronde de France Allium est un produit premium, très prisé pour sa douceur et sa texture. Elle est idéale pour la cuisine fine et est disponible en conditionnements adaptés à tous les besoins, de l'échalote en vrac à l'échalote en sacs. Ces échalotes sont parfaites pour ceux qui recherchent un produit de qualité supérieure, avec une saveur délicate qui s'intègre parfaitement dans une variété de plats culinaires. En outre, leur qualité exceptionnelle garantit une satisfaction totale à chaque utilisation.
No-Label Look címke

No-Label Look címke

L'etichetta no-label look è una scelta sofisticata per i marchi che desiderano un aspetto pulito e minimalista sui loro prodotti. Questa tecnologia permette di creare etichette che sembrano parte integrante del packaging, senza bordi visibili, offrendo un'estetica elegante e moderna. Ideale per prodotti di alta gamma, l'etichetta no-label look esalta il design del prodotto, attirando l'attenzione dei consumatori più esigenti. Optare per un'etichetta no-label look può migliorare significativamente la percezione del marchio, comunicando un senso di qualità e innovazione. Questo tipo di etichetta è perfetto per settori come la cosmetica, la moda e l'alimentare, dove l'immagine del prodotto è fondamentale. Inoltre, grazie alla sua versatilità, può essere applicata su una vasta gamma di materiali, rendendola una soluzione flessibile per diverse esigenze di packaging.
Maizena nagykereskedelmi ellátásra – Tökéletes élelmiszer- és ipari alkalmazásokhoz

Maizena nagykereskedelmi ellátásra – Tökéletes élelmiszer- és ipari alkalmazásokhoz

As a trusted supplier of premium cornstarch, we deliver consistent quality and performance tailored to the needs of wholesalers and importers across Europe. Sourced from non-GMO maize, our cornstarch is versatile and suitable for a variety of industries, including food, pharmaceuticals, textiles, and manufacturing. Why Choose Our Cornstarch? >Exceptional Quality: Produced with high-grade raw materials to ensure superior performance and purity. >Multi-Purpose Applications: Food Industry: A natural thickening agent for soups, sauces, and baked goods. Industrial Use: A vital ingredient in paper, adhesives, and biodegradable packaging. >Compliant with EU Standards: Certified for food safety (HACCP) and KOSHER. >Flexible Packaging Options: Bulk packaging: 25 kg kraft paper bags Custom packaging available for private label or branding. Ideal for European Wholesalers & Importers: Our cornstarch is optimized for large-scale distribution and industrial processing, ensuring a reliable and consistent supply chain for your business. Benefits for Your Business: Competitive pricing for high-volume orders. On-time delivery to all major European ports. Dedicated support for custom orders and technical inquiries.
Koncentrált gyümölcslevek és pürék

Koncentrált gyümölcslevek és pürék

G. Mariani & C. is also distinguished by the processing and distribution of concentrated fruit juices which are blended, pasteurised, flavoured and then packaged and preserved in cold stores while awaiting dispatch to the market. In particular, citrus juices are produced in facilities in Southern Italy (Sicily and Calabria), while berry and tropical juices are purchased directly from the countries of origin. But that's not all: we are at customers’ disposal for any specific requests and custom formulations. • Concentrated juices At G. Mariani & C. we transform the fruit we source into semi-processed products without adding any preservatives. The quality is recognisable from the taste. • Aseptically Packaged, Clear Concentrated Juices G. Mariani & C. can supply concentrated fruit juices in a bag-in-box. Our products are aseptically packaged, a process that allows food products to keep their flavour and remain free of microbiological contaminants that can be damaging, to people or the product itself, without the need for refrigeration or preservatives. • Fruit Purées Fruit purées are acquired directly from producers that harvest the best fruit, at the right stage of ripening, without the addition of preservatives.


Las bañeras de enfriamiento son componentes esenciales en las líneas de producción de cables, diseñadas para enfriar el cable a la salida del cabezal de extrusión. Estas bañeras están disponibles en una amplia gama de tamaños y configuraciones, ofreciendo flexibilidad y versatilidad en la producción. Con diversas opciones de diámetros y velocidades, las bañeras de enfriamiento garantizan un enfriamiento eficiente y controlado, asegurando una producción de alta calidad. Con un diseño robusto y versátil, las bañeras de enfriamiento son ideales para una amplia gama de aplicaciones industriales, ofreciendo una solución eficiente y confiable para el enfriamiento de cables. Estas bañeras son adecuadas para diversas aplicaciones, garantizando un rendimiento superior y una producción continua sin interrupciones. Su diseño innovador y tecnología avanzada las hacen una opción ideal para el enfriamiento de cables de alta calidad.
Professzionális webdesign ügynökség - cég webdesign

Professzionális webdesign ügynökség - cég webdesign

🚀 Are you looking to elevate your online presence and stand out in the digital landscape? Look no further than Digital-i, your go-to web design agency for all your digital needs. Our team of expert designers and developers is here to craft stunning, user-friendly websites that will captivate your audience and drive results. 🌟Why choose us ? Customized design solutions: Our professional web design agency specializes in creating bespoke websites tailored to your unique brand identity and business goals. We work closely with you to understand your vision and bring it to life with stunning visuals and seamless functionality. Responsive design: In today's mobile-first world, having a responsive website is crucial. Our team ensures that your website looks and functions flawlessly across all devices, providing an optimal user experience and improving your site's SEO performance. User-centric approach: At Digital-i, we prioritize user experience above all else. Our designs are intuitive, easy to navigate, and optimized for conversion, ensuring that your visitors have a seamless journey from landing on your site to taking action. SEO optimization: Stand out in search engine results with our SEO-friendly web design services. We implement best practices to enhance your site's visibility and help you rank higher on search engine results pages, driving organic traffic to your website. Fast loading speed: Say goodbye to slow-loading websites that frustrate visitors. Our web design agency optimizes your site for speed, ensuring quick loading times that keep users engaged and prevent them from bouncing off your site. Scalable solutions: Whether you're a small business looking to establish your online presence or a large enterprise seeking to expand your digital footprint, Digital-i offers scalable solutions to meet your evolving needs and grow with your business. Ongoing support and maintenance: Our partnership doesn't end with the launch of your website. We provide continuous support and maintenance services to keep your site running smoothly, make updates as needed, and ensure optimal performance at all times. Experience the difference with Digital-i and unlock the potential of your online presence. Elevate your brand, engage your audience, and drive business growth with our professional web design services. Contact us today to get started on your digital journey! 🚀
Cukor répa Lengyelországból

Cukor répa Lengyelországból

Wir vertreiben Zucker aus der Zuckerfabrik KSC in Polen, verpacken diesen in Wunschverpackungen die Sie selbst designen können
Bőrgyárak számára készült termékek

Bőrgyárak számára készült termékek

I nostri prodotti per concerie sono sviluppati per migliorare la qualità e la durata dei prodotti in pelle. Offriamo una gamma di soluzioni che includono vernici, inchiostri e adesivi, tutti progettati per soddisfare le esigenze specifiche dell'industria della pelle. Con i nostri prodotti, le concerie possono ottenere finiture di alta qualità che resistono all'usura e mantengono l'aspetto desiderato.


Custom cylinder boxes prepared with first class materials. Special designs and prints for your brand. Sizes, colors, prints, stamps are made according to your request. Designs that will highlight your brand.
Herbal Premiere

Herbal Premiere

Herbal Premiere is crafted with a natural, earthy aesthetic, ideal for herbal infusions, oils, and elixirs. Its unique design preserves and showcases contents beautifully, making it an excellent choice for brands focused on authenticity and quality.
Lapos aljú újrahasznosítható

Lapos aljú újrahasznosítható

These are packages that keep their shape even with the lightest content and stand vertically on shelves. They are mostly popular in coffee shops, though other areas also often choose flat bottom packaging. We develop flat bottom packages for various products, having been specialized in this area since 2017.
Egyedi szoftverek programozása - Szoftverfejlesztés és programozás

Egyedi szoftverek programozása - Szoftverfejlesztés és programozás

Mit über 25 Jahren Erfahrung im EDV-Dienstleistungssektor ist Special Software Solutions Ihr Experte für individuelle Softwarelösungen, die exakt auf die Bedürfnisse und Prozesse Ihres Unternehmens abgestimmt sind. Unser Leistungsportfolio umfasst die Entwicklung neuer Software sowie die Anpassung und Erweiterung bestehender Systeme, um Ihre IT-Landschaft optimal zu unterstützen. Dank unserer Expertise integrieren wir bestehende Systemlandschaften nahtlos und erweitern Ihre vorhandenen Softwareanwendungen flexibel nach Ihren Vorgaben. Wir begleiten Sie von der Planungsphase über die Entwicklung bis hin zur Implementierung und Wartung, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Software sowohl funktional als auch zukunftssicher ist.
TYO-40-cp - Műszaki információ: 1. A gép 24 óra alatt 4-25 tonna kockacukor előállítására képes.

TYO-40-cp - Műszaki információ: 1. A gép 24 óra alatt 4-25 tonna kockacukor előállítására képes.

KÜP ŞEKER MAKİNELERİ Bu makineler disk şeklinde kalıba sahiptir. Disk döndükçe şeker küpleri tek sıra halinde konveyöre aktarılır. C tipi makineler daha yüksek üretim hızında ve daha düşük üretim kapasitesiyle çalışır. Paketleme sistemi yarı otomatiktir ve bu anlamda tam otomatik makinelerden daha ekonomiktir. Daha az üretim alanı ve elektriğe ihtiyaç duymaları bu makineleri yeni başlayan veya daha mütevazı koşullardaki üreticiler için çok uygun kılmaktadır. Bu makinelerde ürünün sertliği üretici tarafından geniş bir aralıkta belirlenebilir. C tipi makinelerin çalışma prensibi : Şeker alt silodan beslenir ve üst siloya elevatör tarafından taşınır. Sonra şeker dozaj ayarlayıcıdan geçerek karıştırıcıya gider ve belli bir miktar suyla karıştırılır. Islak şeker daha sonra besleyici mikser denen yükleme kısmından kalıba gönderilir. Şeker kalıbın içine girer ve küp formunu alması için presleme kalıbı tarafından sıkıştırılır.
Fardellatrici s600 - s802 - a802 - megkülönböztethetők a piacon, mivel mindkét orsó alul helyezkedik el.

Fardellatrici s600 - s802 - a802 - megkülönböztethetők a piacon, mivel mindkét orsó alul helyezkedik el.

Le fardellatrici S600 - S802 - A802 corrispondono a tre tipologie: 1- semiautomatica, dove l'operatore deposita manualmente il prodotto sul piano di lavoro o compone il multipacco manualmente sul piano di lavoro, quindi attiva lo spintore, con la pressione di due pulsanti, per il trasferimento del prodotto in macchina; 2- automatica con nastro caricatore in linea, che introduce automaticamente il fardello in macchina; 3- automatica con caricatore, composto da nastro motorizzato collocato a 90° rispetto alla macchina, sensori per il rilevamento e il conteggio dei prodotti, spintori per la composizione del multipacco e il suo trasferimento in macchina. Le Fardellatrici automatiche S600 - S802 - A802 hanno una caratteristica distintiva, che le rende inconfondibili sul mercato e cioè entrambe le bobine sono collocate in posizione bassa, il che favorisce: - la sicurezza dell'operatore, che non deve sollevare una pesante bobina, per posizionarla nel suo alloggiamento alto.
smartLink SW-HT

smartLink SW-HT

Zugriff auf HART-Geräte angeschlossen an Allen-Bradley, Schneider Electric oder R.Stahl Steuerungen und Remote I/Os für Emersons AMS ▪ Einfacher und schneller Zugriff auf HART-Feldgeräte, die an Allen-Bradley, Schneider Electric oder R.Stahl HART IO-Module angeschlossen sind ▪ Transparente HART-Kommunikation über das offene HART-IP-Protokoll ▪ Ermöglicht Remote Asset Management, Gerätekonfiguration und -überwachung ▪ Keine zusätzliche Hardware erforderlich